if ( ! function_exists( 'publisher_pagin_filter_pagin_args' ) ) { /** * Filter $atts array and return only required index for ajax handler * * @param array $args Custom function args * * @return array filtered $atts values * @see Publisher_Theme_Listing_Pagin_Manager::handle_ajax_response() * */ function publisher_pagin_filter_pagin_args( $args ) { $pagin_fields = array( 'have_pagination', 'have_slider', 'listing', ); return array_diff_key( $args, array_flip( (array) $pagin_fields ) ); } } if ( ! function_exists( 'publisher_pagin_create_wp_query_args' ) ) { /** * Handy function to create master listing wp query args * * @param array $atts * @param int $paged * @param array $tab * * @return bool */ function publisher_pagin_create_wp_query_args( &$atts, $paged = 1, $tab = array() ) { $args = array(); // order_by if ( ! empty( $atts['order_by'] ) ) { $args = publisher_get_order_filter_query( $atts['order_by'] ); } // order if ( ! empty( $atts['order'] ) ) { $args['order'] = $atts['order']; } // post type if ( ! empty( $atts['post_type'] ) ) { $args['post_type'] = $atts['post_type']; } // posts per page if ( ! empty( $atts['count'] ) && intval( $atts['count'] ) > 0 ) { $args['posts_per_page'] = $atts['count']; } else { $args['posts_per_page'] = get_option( 'posts_per_page' ); } // paged if ( isset( $atts['paginate'] ) && substr( $atts['paginate'], 0, 6 ) === 'simple' ) { $paged = $args['paged'] = bf_get_query_var_paged(); } // offset if ( ! empty( $atts['offset'] ) ) { if ( $paged > 1 ) { $args['offset'] = intval( $atts['offset'] ) + ( ( $paged - 1 ) * $args['posts_per_page'] ); } else { $args['offset'] = intval( $atts['offset'] ); } } /* if ( ! empty( $atts['taxonomy'] ) ) { $tax_query = array(); foreach ( explode( ',', $atts['taxonomy'] ) as $tax ) { $tax = explode( ':', $tax ); if ( count( $tax ) >= 2 ) { $tax_term = get_term( $tax[1], $tax[0] ); if ( ! is_wp_error( $tax_term ) ) { $tax_query[] = array( 'taxonomy' => $tax[0], 'field' => 'term_id', 'terms' => array( $tax[1] ), ); } } } if ( ! empty( $tax_query ) ) { $tax_query['relation'] = 'OR'; $args['tax_query'] = $tax_query; } } // Category if ( ! empty( $atts['category'] ) ) { $args['cat'] = $atts['category']; } // Tag if ( ! empty( $atts['tag'] ) ) { if ( ! is_array( $atts['tag'] ) ) { $tags = explode( ',', $atts['tag'] ); } else { $tags = $atts['tag']; } $args['tag__in'] = $tags; } */ // Post id filters if ( ! empty( $atts['post_ids'] ) ) { if ( is_array( $atts['post_ids'] ) ) { $post_id_array = $atts['post_ids']; } else { $post_id_array = explode( ',', $atts['post_ids'] ); } $post_in = array(); $post_not_in = array(); // Split ids into post_in and post_not_in foreach ( $post_id_array as $post_id ) { $post_id = trim( $post_id ); // TODO: Refactor this! if ( is_numeric( $post_id ) ) { if ( intval( $post_id ) < 0 ) { $post_not_in[] = str_replace( '-', '', $post_id ); } else { $post_in[] = $post_id; } } } if ( ! empty( $post_not_in ) ) { $args['post__not_in'] = $post_not_in; } if ( ! empty( $post_in ) ) { $args['post__in'] = $post_in; $args['orderby'] = 'post__in'; } } // Custom post types if ( ! empty( $atts['post_type'] ) ) { if ( is_array( $atts['post_type'] ) ) { $args['post_type'] = $atts['post_type']; } else { $args['post_type'] = explode( ',', $atts['post_type'] ); } } // Time filter if ( ! empty( $atts['time_filter'] ) ) { $args['date_query'] = publisher_get_time_filter_query( $atts['time_filter'] ); } if ( ! isset( $atts['ignore_sticky_posts'] ) ) { $args['ignore_sticky_posts'] = true; } else { $args['ignore_sticky_posts'] = $atts['ignore_sticky_posts']; } if ( isset( $atts['category__in'] ) ) { $args['category__in'] = array_map( 'absint', (array) $atts['category__in'] ); } if ( isset( $atts['post__not_in'] ) ) { $args['post__not_in'] = array_map( 'absint', (array) $atts['post__not_in'] ); } if ( isset( $atts['author'] ) ) { $args['author'] = intval( $atts['author'] ); } if ( ! empty( $atts['author_ids'] ) ) { $author__in = array(); $author__not_in = array(); foreach ( explode( ',', $atts['author_ids'] ) as $author_id ) { $author_id = intval( $author_id ); if ( $author_id === 0 ) { continue; } if ( $author_id > 0 ) { $author__in[] = $author_id; } else { $author__not_in[] = $author_id; } } if ( $author__in ) { $args['author__in'] = $author__in; } if ( $author__not_in ) { $args['author__not_in'] = $author__not_in; } } /** * Start Handle Query Conditions */ if ( empty( $args['tax_query'] ) ) { $args['tax_query'] = array(); } if ( ! empty( $atts['category'] ) ) { $terms_id_include = array(); $terms_id_exclude = array(); foreach ( explode( ',', $atts['category'] ) as $term_id ) { if ( $term_id[0] === '-' ) { $terms_id_exclude[] = substr( $term_id, 1 ); } else { $terms_id_include[] = $term_id; } } if ( $terms_id_include ) { $args['tax_query'][] = array( 'terms' => bf_get_term_childs( $terms_id_include, $terms_id_exclude ), 'taxonomy' => 'category', 'field' => 'term_id', 'operator' => isset( $atts['cats-condition'] ) ? strtoupper( $atts['cats-condition'] ) : 'IN', 'include_children' => false, ); } if ( $terms_id_exclude ) { $args['tax_query'][] = array( 'taxonomy' => 'category', 'field' => 'term_id', 'terms' => $terms_id_exclude, 'operator' => 'NOT IN', 'include_children' => false, ); } } if ( ! empty( $atts['taxonomy'] ) ) { $terms = array(); if ( preg_match_all( '/ ([^:]+) : ([^,]+) \s* \,? /isx', $atts['taxonomy'], $matches ) ) { foreach ( $matches[1] as $idx => $taxonomy ) { $taxonomy = trim( $taxonomy ); $term_id = trim( $matches[2][ $idx ] ); $section = $term_id[0] === '-' ? 'exclude' : 'include'; $terms[ $taxonomy ][ $section ][] = absint( $term_id ); } } /** * FIX: Taxonomies as tab wrong query */ if ( isset( $tab['active'] ) && $tab['active'] == false && ! empty( $tab['type'] ) ) { $_taxonomy = $tab['type']; if ( ! empty( $terms[ $_taxonomy ] ) && ! empty( $tab['term_id'] ) ) { $terms[ $_taxonomy ]['include'] = array( intval( $tab['term_id'] ) ); } } foreach ( $terms as $taxonomy => $terms ) { $terms_id_include = isset( $terms['include'] ) ? $terms['include'] : array(); $terms_id_exclude = isset( $terms['exclude'] ) ? $terms['exclude'] : array(); if ( $terms_id_include ) { $args['tax_query'][] = array( 'terms' => bf_get_term_childs( $terms_id_include, $terms_id_exclude, $taxonomy ), 'taxonomy' => $taxonomy, 'field' => 'term_id', 'operator' => isset( $atts['cats-condition'] ) ? strtoupper( $atts['cats-condition'] ) : 'IN', 'include_children' => false, ); } if ( $terms_id_exclude ) { $args['tax_query'][] = array( 'taxonomy' => $taxonomy, 'field' => 'term_id', 'terms' => $terms_id_exclude, 'operator' => 'NOT IN', 'include_children' => false, ); } } } if ( ! empty( $atts['tag'] ) ) { $args['tax_query'][] = array( 'taxonomy' => 'post_tag', 'field' => 'term_id', 'terms' => explode( ',', $atts['tag'] ), 'operator' => isset( $atts['tags-condition'] ) ? strtoupper( $atts['tags-condition'] ) : 'IN', 'include_children' => false, ); } if ( $args['tax_query'] ) { $args['tax_query']['relation'] = isset( $atts['cats-tags-condition'] ) ? $atts['cats-tags-condition'] : 'AND'; } elseif ( ! empty( $atts['tax_query'] ) ) { $args['tax_query'] = $atts['tax_query']; // Ajax request pass tax_query } /** * END Handle Query Conditions */ if ( ! empty( $atts['featured_image'] ) ) { if ( isset( $args['meta_query'] ) ) { $args['meta_query'][] = array( 'key' => '_thumbnail_id', 'compare' => 'EXISTS' ); } else { $args['meta_query'] = array( array( 'key' => '_thumbnail_id', 'compare' => 'EXISTS' ) ); } } if ( ! empty( $atts['orderby'] ) && $atts['orderby'] === 'rand' ) { $args['orderby'] = 'rand'; } $args['post_status'] = 'publish'; // Custom meta key if ( ! empty( $atts['orderby_meta_key'] ) ) { $args['meta_key'] = $atts['orderby_meta_key']; } // Custom meta value type if ( ! empty( $atts['orderby_meta_value_type'] ) ) { $args['meta_type'] = $atts['orderby_meta_value_type']; } return $args; } // publisher_pagin_create_query_args } if ( ! function_exists( 'publisher_pagin_create_user_query_args' ) ) { /** * Handy function to create master listing user query args * * @param array $atts * @param int $paged * * @return array */ function publisher_pagin_create_user_query_args( &$atts, $paged = 1 ) { $query_args = wp_array_slice_assoc( $atts, array( 'search', 'order', 'offset', 'include', 'exclude', ) ); $valid_orderby = array( 'id', 'url', 'name', 'email', 'login', 'nicename', 'user_url', 'user_name', 'user_login', 'registered', 'post_count', 'meta_value', 'user_email', 'display_name', 'user_nicename', 'user_registered', ); if ( isset( $atts['order_by'] ) && in_array( strtolower( $atts['order_by'] ), $valid_orderby ) ) { $query_args['orderby'] = $atts['order_by']; } $query_args['number'] = empty( $atts['count'] ) ? 10 : $atts['count']; if ( ! empty( $atts['filter_roles'] ) && ! empty( $atts['roles'] ) ) { $query_args['role__in'] = is_string( $atts['roles'] ) ? explode( ',', $atts['roles'] ) : $atts['roles']; } $query_args['count_total'] = ! empty( $atts['paginate'] ); // TODO: there is no option to prevent load user meta in WP_User_Query. // some times we don't need any user_meta but WP_User_Query still fetch all of them, so we need to add an option to bypass user meta loading. $query_args['fields'] = 'all_with_meta'; // Performance improvement - Fetch all users meta in single db query return $query_args; } } if ( ! function_exists( 'publisher_pagin_create_comment_query_args' ) ) { /** * Handy function to create listing comment query args * * @param array $atts * @param int $paged * * @return array */ function publisher_pagin_create_comment_query_args( &$atts, $paged = 1 ) { $query_args = wp_array_slice_assoc( $atts, array( 'author_email', 'search', 'order', 'offset', ) ); if ( ! empty( $atts['include'] ) ) { $query_args['post_author__in'] = explode( ',', $atts['include'] ); } if ( ! empty( $atts['exclude'] ) ) { $query_args['author__not_in'] = explode( ',', $atts['exclude'] ); } if ( ! empty( $atts['include_posts'] ) ) { $query_args['post__in'] = explode( ',', $atts['include_posts'] ); } if ( ! empty( $atts['exclude_posts'] ) ) { $query_args['post__not_in'] = explode( ',', $atts['exclude_posts'] ); } if ( isset( $atts['count'] ) ) { $query_args['number'] = $atts['count']; } $valid_orderby = array( 'comment_agent', 'comment_approved', 'comment_author', 'comment_author_email', 'comment_author_IP', 'comment_author_url', 'comment_content', 'comment_date', 'comment_date_gmt', 'comment_ID', 'comment_karma', 'comment_parent', 'comment_post_ID', 'comment_type', 'user_id', ); if ( isset( $atts['order_by'] ) && in_array( strtolower( $atts['order_by'] ), $valid_orderby ) ) { $query_args['orderby'] = $atts['order_by']; } if ( ! empty( $atts['paginate'] ) ) { $query_args['no_found_rows'] = false; } return $query_args; } } if ( ! function_exists( 'publisher_theme_pagin_manager' ) ) { /** * Get Publisher_Theme_Listing_Pagin_Manager Class instance * * @return Publisher_Theme_Listing_Pagin_Manager */ function publisher_theme_pagin_manager() { return Publisher_Theme_Listing_Pagin_Manager::Run(); } // publisher_theme_pagin_manager } if ( ! function_exists( 'publisher_pagin_hash_generate' ) ) { /** * Generate unique hash for input data * * @param array|object $array * * @return bool|string hash string on success or false otherwise */ function publisher_pagin_hash_generate( $array ) { if ( is_object( $array ) ) { $array = get_object_vars( $array ); } elseif ( ! is_array( $array ) ) { return false; } $keys_to_remove = array( 'paged' => '', ); //remove some indexes $array = array_diff_key( $array, $keys_to_remove ); $array = bf_map_deep( $array, 'publisher_pagin_hash_data_filter' ); $array = array_filter( $array ); ksort( $array ); $hash = substr( wp_hash( serialize( $array ), 'nonce' ), 5, 7 ); return $hash; } } if ( ! function_exists( 'publisher_pagin_hash_verify' ) ) { /** * Verify Hash * * @param string $hash * @param array|object $data * * @return bool true on success or false on failure. */ function publisher_pagin_hash_verify( $hash, $data ) { return $hash === publisher_pagin_hash_generate( $data ); } } if ( ! function_exists( 'publisher_pagin_hash_data_filter' ) ) { /** * Filters data for making correct hash from it * * @param $data * * @return mixed */ function publisher_pagin_hash_data_filter( $data ) { $new_data = filter_var( $data, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT ); return $new_data === false ? $data : $new_data; } } if ( ! function_exists( 'publisher_pagin_js_data_filter' ) ) { /** * Converts boolean values to it for JS of pagination * * @param $data * * @return string */ function publisher_pagin_js_data_filter( $data ) { return is_bool( $data ) ? (int) $data : $data; } } if ( ! function_exists( 'publisher_get_ajax_var' ) ) { /** * Get defended ajax variable * * @param string $var * * @since 1.8.0 * @return object|array|string */ function publisher_get_ajax_var( $var ) { return Publisher_Theme_Listing_Pagin_Manager::get_ajax_var( $var ); } } if ( ! function_exists( 'publisher_set_ajax_var' ) ) { /** * Define a custom variable to send in pagination ajax request * * @param string $var * @param object|array|string $value * * @since 1.8.0 * @return object|array|string */ function publisher_set_ajax_var( $var, $value ) { return Publisher_Theme_Listing_Pagin_Manager::set_ajax_var( $var, $value ); } } admin, Auteur à LePays 225 - Page 73 sur 74

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